Friday, December 15, 2017

Blog 3

This is to add some critics/ comments to the editorial "Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice".
In the editorial, the author explains that the President can obstruct justice and give an example of president Nixon in 1974, where the house of representatives drafted the first article of impeachment. Nixon was charged with "interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force." The author also gave an example of President Bill Clinton who was impeached by the house for, among other things, having "prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice" and for having "engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony."  

I do agree with the author that the president can obstruct justice. I believe every American people, who do not have an intention to cover up the president's obstruction justice, can agree with the author that the president can obstruct justice. 

So, one can ask why a well educated and informed Trump layer can say that "the president can not obstruct justice"? The answer is simple. There is no other reason to do so than to intend to cover up the evidence that the President obstructed Justice at the same or at the upper level compared to president Nixon or Bill Clinton who were charged by the house of the representatives against Obstruction of Justice. 

President Trump admitted himself on the TV that he fired Flynn, his former National Security Adviser because he lied to the Vice President and to the FBI about his communications with Russian officials.   At the time Flynn was fired, the President knew that Flynn lied to the FBI but did not say anything. He is the President, he knows that lying to the FBI is a crime, but did not report or ask for an investigation. On top of that, according to the former FBI Director who was fired by Trump, instead of helping the Justice, Trump asked to drop the investigation on Flynn and fired Comey because he did not want to stop the investigation. On a TV, Trump admitted that he fired the former FBI director because of an ongoing investigation that he qualifies as a made-up story. All these are proofs that Trump is obstructing Justice and he will keep doing it until he is charged against it. Saying that the president can not obstruct Justice despite all the knowledge is a sign that he is not ready to stop.

1 comment:

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