As Winston Churchill said "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts", the courage of all American people to continue to build a better America and government is the only thing that counts and is the only thing that will help us to leave a better America to our grandchildren and their grandchildren.
in one hand, we should be able to recognize that after all what our country went through; since the native American, the recovery on the new world, the colonialism, the slavery, the revolution, the united states, the civil war,... America situation has always evolved into a better situation through a lot of sacrifices, but also through a lot of participation of American people. Through these sacrifices and participation, we inherited a lot; the constitution, the Independence, the United States, a form of government, the list goes on. But this success should not be seen as a final, a masterpiece, a perfect and complete achievement. instead, it was a beginning of a long journey that the founding fathers started and the journey was made to be continued to ensure a continuity.
On the other hand, It is true that our system has a lot of issues throughout the journey. A multitude of people did not survive the journey an many are still struggling with different forms of America self-inflicted wounds. This is the same for our system of government that has a lot of imperfections. But, this is not fatal. It is not perfect and makes it perfect will not be final. We still have a lot of issues that need to be addressed, but we should always remember that our active participation is the only solution to those issues. We may have a rigged system, corrupted politicians, and more, but I see these as a proof that we, American people still have a journey.
I am pretty positive that we the participation and active involvement of the majority of us will continue to contribute to leaving America better than we inherited it.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Blog 3
This is to add some critics/ comments to the editorial "Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice".
In the editorial, the author explains that the President can obstruct justice and give an example of president Nixon in 1974, where the house of representatives drafted the first article of impeachment. Nixon was charged with "interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force." The author also gave an example of President Bill Clinton who was impeached by the house for, among other things, having "prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice" and for having "engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony."
I do agree with the author that the president can obstruct justice. I believe every American people, who do not have an intention to cover up the president's obstruction justice, can agree with the author that the president can obstruct justice.
So, one can ask why a well educated and informed Trump layer can say that "the president can not obstruct justice"? The answer is simple. There is no other reason to do so than to intend to cover up the evidence that the President obstructed Justice at the same or at the upper level compared to president Nixon or Bill Clinton who were charged by the house of the representatives against Obstruction of Justice.
President Trump admitted himself on the TV that he fired Flynn, his former National Security Adviser because he lied to the Vice President and to the FBI about his communications with Russian officials. At the time Flynn was fired, the President knew that Flynn lied to the FBI but did not say anything. He is the President, he knows that lying to the FBI is a crime, but did not report or ask for an investigation. On top of that, according to the former FBI Director who was fired by Trump, instead of helping the Justice, Trump asked to drop the investigation on Flynn and fired Comey because he did not want to stop the investigation. On a TV, Trump admitted that he fired the former FBI director because of an ongoing investigation that he qualifies as a made-up story. All these are proofs that Trump is obstructing Justice and he will keep doing it until he is charged against it. Saying that the president can not obstruct Justice despite all the knowledge is a sign that he is not ready to stop.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Comment to blog 7
This is a comment on my classmate entitled Political Views and Issues.
I am glad you brought up this current hot topic again, and I agree with you on your point of view. I am glad that you took your time to find this shocking data. This a serious issue in America that needs serious and unbiased thoughts by all of us, since we are all concerned. I agree with your conclusion as well, and I will focus on this one to bring in my analysis of the situation.
Despite the data shown on this blog, let me bring up some other facts that could be considered contributing to the problem.
As we all know, there is a hugely profitable business in gun selling and gun trafficking. This is one of the influences on the situation, and may heavily contribute on opposing any kind of gun control.
On one hand, of course, the NRA and other gun businesses will love to have customers to buy their guns and think about which kind of marketing that these businesses would have to succeed. As none can buy a good without need, guns will not sell if there is no threat to protect from. Guns will not sell if there is no such shocking statistics of violence including gun violence.
On the other hand, these businesses are good and important financial supporters, donors, of our politicians. These lawmakers, executives, and other politicians are still in need of this bloody money for reelection and agendas.
This is why they are not doing anything serious, and this is why we should all be involved to get anything done.
I am glad you brought up this current hot topic again, and I agree with you on your point of view. I am glad that you took your time to find this shocking data. This a serious issue in America that needs serious and unbiased thoughts by all of us, since we are all concerned. I agree with your conclusion as well, and I will focus on this one to bring in my analysis of the situation.
Despite the data shown on this blog, let me bring up some other facts that could be considered contributing to the problem.
As we all know, there is a hugely profitable business in gun selling and gun trafficking. This is one of the influences on the situation, and may heavily contribute on opposing any kind of gun control.
On one hand, of course, the NRA and other gun businesses will love to have customers to buy their guns and think about which kind of marketing that these businesses would have to succeed. As none can buy a good without need, guns will not sell if there is no threat to protect from. Guns will not sell if there is no such shocking statistics of violence including gun violence.
On the other hand, these businesses are good and important financial supporters, donors, of our politicians. These lawmakers, executives, and other politicians are still in need of this bloody money for reelection and agendas.
This is why they are not doing anything serious, and this is why we should all be involved to get anything done.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
This blog has been written as a comment of a classmate's blog entitled What to do with the president. In this writing, my classmate seams to be positive that having president as president will make america to be a winner, win even better because Trump is a successful business man with business experience and connections. Even though this could not be proven to be literally right, but let's assume that all this is right, that Trump is a successful business man, full with experiences and connections. I will base my comments on these phrases of my classmate: " If Trump uses some of these (business) tactics while in the office, America is sure to prosper. Everyone knows the exciting feeling of winning a game, with Trump on our side, we are sure to experience that feeling in the future." Trump will never be on the side of American people, he will never want, or even plan, to use any of his knowledge, tactics, assets, sacrifices, to benefit anyone else than himself. Now that we are in Trump era for almost a year, he used this whole time to trash american democracy, american intelligence agencies,... The president whom my classmate wishes to have on our side, during his first year of presidency, sided with our enemies by consistently and continually praising them and trashing all what we are proud of as Americans. Trump always thinks about Trump and what can benefit trump. Running for presidency was one of his business plan to benefit himself. As one of the examples of this, whenever Trump has to speak in his international visits, he makes sure he promotes his businesses in his speeches and deals. This is obviously his plan to monetize his presidency. But as a bad business man he has always been, he failed on this apparent successful election victory/business by failing to conceal his wrong doings and cover his back. Going against the rule of law is the only tactic Trump has been good at, so far.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Democracy or rule of few with power?
Democracy or rule of few with power?
I am writing this to share my opinion on how i see democracy in US, which is the most respected in the world. What I learned in US Government class in this semester, as well as the last year presidential campaign helped me to think a lot about politics, government and the population. Among other forms of government; monarchy, Oligarchy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, American People chose to have Democracy as form of government.
Democracy is defined as a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Is the system of government in America from the people, and for the people? In my opinion, the answer for this question will be "no". To support my opinion, I will take an example of the US president, how president get selected, before and during the campaign, how he/she get elected and serve.
Allow me to start by the nomination of a candidate. In America, we have 2 major political parties that always compete to provide the next president. At the party level, different candidates will compete to get only one who will represent the party. All the members of the party will have to support the nominee through the campaign against the nominees of other parties, as well as independent candidates. At this primary level, the american people does not have power to select a candidate, but the political party does. But let us assume that the majority of Americans are in those 2 major political parties and assume that they are fairly represented when it comes to the primary elections.
The wealthy people, corporation as well as different foreign entities step in to chose for us who is going to run for president. Running for president is very expensive and requires a lot of money. For example, According to the Washington Post, the official fund raised by Hilary was $1.4 Billion and Trump $957.6 Million. As planning for other big project, before anyone runs for president, the candidate will make sure that he/she have enough donors to give him/her enough money to run. This means that, behind the scene, the real campaign is when the candidates compete to provide a better action plan that will assure donors more benefits. This real campaign takes place way before even the primaries. The Donors will select the candidate who will serve them better. Any candidate who does not inspire hope to the donors will not be able to secure enough money to run the campaign and will decide not to run. This is how the Few with Power, millionaires, choose one or two candidates, then compete between themselves.
After the primaries, the donors; millionaires, individuals and corporations, Super PAC will start competing between themselves with their money, behind their respective candidates. A big percentage of this money will be used in the TV and Radio adds, where the main game will be to politically destroy each other, and influence the population to vote for them. This does not exactly say that every time we go to vote, we just go there to confirm an already chosen president, but this laterally means it.
The same things happen at the majority of all the levels of public positions where we have to vote. From the bottom to the top, the game is the same; before a candidate confirms that he/she will run, the first thing is to be sure that he/she will get enough Money to run, this means that he/she got support from majority of rich people, corporations and international entities.
Once elected, the elect president will make sure to please his/her donors, fulfill the promises and secure next election as well. That why the elected will listen to their donors, not to the voice of the population, unless this voice of the population can benefit donors as well. This is why we will have problems that are common for all the general population, like gun control issue, but because the billionaires don't have interest in their resolutions, the population will keep shouting in vain. instead of solving the issue, the government will start politicizing it, and against it. The media will step in and show that the potential solution to the problem is a worse problem instead.
I am writing this to share my opinion on how i see democracy in US, which is the most respected in the world. What I learned in US Government class in this semester, as well as the last year presidential campaign helped me to think a lot about politics, government and the population. Among other forms of government; monarchy, Oligarchy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, American People chose to have Democracy as form of government.
Democracy is defined as a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Is the system of government in America from the people, and for the people? In my opinion, the answer for this question will be "no". To support my opinion, I will take an example of the US president, how president get selected, before and during the campaign, how he/she get elected and serve.
Allow me to start by the nomination of a candidate. In America, we have 2 major political parties that always compete to provide the next president. At the party level, different candidates will compete to get only one who will represent the party. All the members of the party will have to support the nominee through the campaign against the nominees of other parties, as well as independent candidates. At this primary level, the american people does not have power to select a candidate, but the political party does. But let us assume that the majority of Americans are in those 2 major political parties and assume that they are fairly represented when it comes to the primary elections.
The wealthy people, corporation as well as different foreign entities step in to chose for us who is going to run for president. Running for president is very expensive and requires a lot of money. For example, According to the Washington Post, the official fund raised by Hilary was $1.4 Billion and Trump $957.6 Million. As planning for other big project, before anyone runs for president, the candidate will make sure that he/she have enough donors to give him/her enough money to run. This means that, behind the scene, the real campaign is when the candidates compete to provide a better action plan that will assure donors more benefits. This real campaign takes place way before even the primaries. The Donors will select the candidate who will serve them better. Any candidate who does not inspire hope to the donors will not be able to secure enough money to run the campaign and will decide not to run. This is how the Few with Power, millionaires, choose one or two candidates, then compete between themselves.
After the primaries, the donors; millionaires, individuals and corporations, Super PAC will start competing between themselves with their money, behind their respective candidates. A big percentage of this money will be used in the TV and Radio adds, where the main game will be to politically destroy each other, and influence the population to vote for them. This does not exactly say that every time we go to vote, we just go there to confirm an already chosen president, but this laterally means it.
The same things happen at the majority of all the levels of public positions where we have to vote. From the bottom to the top, the game is the same; before a candidate confirms that he/she will run, the first thing is to be sure that he/she will get enough Money to run, this means that he/she got support from majority of rich people, corporations and international entities.
Once elected, the elect president will make sure to please his/her donors, fulfill the promises and secure next election as well. That why the elected will listen to their donors, not to the voice of the population, unless this voice of the population can benefit donors as well. This is why we will have problems that are common for all the general population, like gun control issue, but because the billionaires don't have interest in their resolutions, the population will keep shouting in vain. instead of solving the issue, the government will start politicizing it, and against it. The media will step in and show that the potential solution to the problem is a worse problem instead.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Is criticizing and analyzing Trump mistakes what american people want?
Is criticizing and analyzing Trump mistakes what american people want?
I want to discuss about the article named "In 3 1/2 minutes, top psychiatrist gives perfect assessment of Trump-then offers the solution"
In this blog, the author details how top psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Kerry Sulkowicz tried to analyse and describe President Donald Trump’s mental health. The psychoanalyst started by showing how President Trump fits all the criteria demonstrated by people who are sociopaths by making a parfait comparison of Trump's behaviors and actions with the criteria of sociopaths which are :
I want to discuss about the article named "In 3 1/2 minutes, top psychiatrist gives perfect assessment of Trump-then offers the solution"
In this blog, the author details how top psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Kerry Sulkowicz tried to analyse and describe President Donald Trump’s mental health. The psychoanalyst started by showing how President Trump fits all the criteria demonstrated by people who are sociopaths by making a parfait comparison of Trump's behaviors and actions with the criteria of sociopaths which are :
- One is the absence of conscience.
- Two is to hurt people and take advantage whether it’s lying, cheating, stealing—on a habitual, regular basis.
- Three is they take pleasure in their destructiveness and have a very limited range of close relationships.”
The articles continues on suggesting a solution that Trump should be impeached based on 25th amendment of the US constitution, and have the Vice President to lead instead.
I totally agree with this mental capacity analysis and its deduction based on provided facts, but I do ask myself if this is what American people needs as this far. I do not agree with the suggested solution.
I strongly believe that American people need to be reassured that their democracy and government system works for the people as it should be. It looks like everyone, except key function and influential republicans, are showing their disapproval about Trump and his astonishing behaviors; since he started showing his interest to get into political career, throughout his campaign, up to now that he is the President of the US. I think people should stop blame Trump. He is who he was, and will continue to be the same. Unless if some were waiting for miracles to happen and change Trump once he becomes president, but he should never disappoint anyone.
In my opinion, the analysis needed is to show American people that Trump is far better than anyone who should have done something, but for their own selfish reasons, failed to do his job to stop him from getting this far. These are the ones that disappointed american people who have trusted them and elected them. These people are the one who have failed the system, and continue to do so.
In light of this article's analysis and similar other articles, speeches, and analysis, I will say that American people have right to know and punish those who, for their own interests, chose to let this country fall in the hands of a mentally unfit person, despite of all the trust invested in them. The solution should not be to impeach Trump and reward those who betrayed American people by getting him this far.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Trump and Kim dangerous and selfishness game
Reading this New York Times article shows that American and even all other people should weight this childish and careless game between the representatives of our countries.
The international relations or diplomatic relations with foreign governments is an essential part of the life of the country. That is why it is not easy task to represent a country in a foreign territories or in the united nations. This is a task of being, at same time, a government and citizens representative at the international level.
In one hand, being such representative does not allow the person to think and act as he/she wants or as the impulses dictate. There should be a self discipline and commitment because they are representing lives of multitudes.
On the other hand, representatives should respect each other as they think of the respect that their respective citizens deserve. As we think that we should be respected, so we should respect others in our relations.
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