Friday, September 22, 2017

Trump and Kim dangerous and selfishness game

Reading this New York Times article shows that American and even all other people should weight this childish and careless game between the representatives of our countries. 
The international relations or diplomatic relations with foreign governments is an essential part of the life of the country. That is why it is not easy task to represent a country in a foreign territories or in the united nations. This is a task of being, at same time, a government and citizens representative at the international level. 
In one hand, being such representative does not allow the person to think and act as he/she wants or as the impulses dictate. There should be a self discipline and commitment because they are representing lives of multitudes. 
On the other hand, representatives should respect each other as they think of the respect that their respective citizens deserve. As we think that we should be respected, so we should respect others in our relations.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hello Colleagues!!
I am glad to be with you in this class.
Stay blessed.